50 Bitcoin Facts
Over the last month or so there has been a surge of interest around Bitcoin and various other cryptocurrencies. I do not believe this is due to any single, specific reason, but it could be because many believe the perfect storm for Bitcoin is brewing in 2020. You can learn more about that on our…
Disruptor Disrupted?
Is cryptocurrency at risk of being co-opted by the very institutions it was created to displace? CryptoScout by Eleanor Haas, Partner of Iconic Holding, Chief Concept Navigator at The Calyx Group, Advisor to Astia Angels, and Director, Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was launched in 2009 as a rebel with a cause —…
Just Another Retrospective on the Decade in Crypto
One of the oldest tales in blockchain is comparing the last ten years to the early days of the internet. A young Bill Gates trying to convince late show host David Letterman why radio and television are simply not enough is a great example of forward-thinking innovation meeting target audience requirements. Was the ability to…
Frankfurt, den 4. Dezember 2019 — Iconic Funds BTC ETN GmbH (die “Emittentin“) eine Tochtergesellschaft der Iconic Funds GmbH (“Iconic Funds”) und Mitglied der Iconic Group, die gehalten und verwaltet wird durch die Iconic Holding GmbH, ein globales Krypto-Asset-Management-Unternehmen, bereitet derzeit die Ausgabe von bis zu 100.000.000 indexgebundenen Schuldverschreibungen ohne Endfälligkeit vor, die den NYSEXBT-Index…
Frankfurt, December 4, 2019 — Iconic Funds BTC ETN GmbH (the “Issuer“) a subsidiary of Iconic Funds GmbH (“Iconic Funds”) and member of the Iconic group which is held and administrated through Iconic Holding GmbH, a global crypto asset management firm, is currently preparing the issue of up to 100,000,000 perpetual index linked Notes tracking…