DDA Crypto ETPs

The easiest, most convenient and secure method to gain exposure to leading digital assets through regulated financial products.

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DDA Crypto ETPs enable investors to participate cost efficiently in the price development of a single digital asset or basket of digital assets from their personal bank accounts or preferred brokerage accounts. All products are always 100% collateralized by the respective underlying, stored in “cold storage” at regulated custodians and are listed on the most liquid European stock exchanges. DDA ETPs are tradable via brokers and custodian banks. Similar to an ETF, tax withholding for DDA ETPs is done automatically by the custodian bank.

TickerName of the productISINCCYTERInception dateAUMProduct Page
SLCTDDA Crypto Select 10 ETPDE000A3G3ZD0USD1.69%22.05.202324.5M USDPRODUCT PAGE
XBTIDDA Physical Bitcoin ETPDE000A3GK2N1USD0.95%15.04.202115.5M USDProduct Page
IETHDDA Physical Ethereum ETPDE000A3GTML1USD0.95%01.12.20213.7M USDProduct Page
BMACDDA Bitcoin Macro ETPDE000A3G9SE0USD2.00%18.06.202462K USDProduct Page

Where to buy?

DDA ETPs are listed on traditional exchanges and trade just like stocks or ETFs. Add digital assets exposure to your portfolio using existing bank or brokerage accounts, or choose a new trading platform.  As an investor in DDA ETPs you do not have the need or technical capability to manage crypto wallets or worry about tax implications.

The list below features some but certainly not all of the popular banks/brokerages. Please reach out to us in case you are not able to access or find our products on your trading platform. If you have difficulties accessing our products through your preferred bank/brokerage please reach out to us by clicking on the button below and sending us a message, we will reach out to your bank/brokerage and will try to make the product available to you.

Product Benefits

Access to The World’s First Bitcoin ETP Based on Macro Factors

The DDA Bitcoin Macro ETP offers investors exposure to the World’s First Bitcoin ETP that dynamically adjusts Bitcoin exposure based on macroeconomic factors. Find out more about the methodology here.

100% Physically Backed and Secured 

DDA ETPs replicate the performance of the underlying index with competitive management fees and give the holder of the note a claim on the predefined amount of the asset.

Regulated and trusted Custody Solutions

Digital assets are conveniently stored at specialized custodians such as BaFin-regulated Coinbase Germany GmbH or French AFM-regulated Aplo. Investors do not require the technical expertise to manage several wallets and private keys.

Trades like an ETF on European Exchanges

The DDA ETPs trade like a stock or an ETF and are available on European stock exchanges, such as Deutsche Börse Xetra, Euronext Paris & Amsterdam, SIX Swiss Exchange and Börse Stuttgart.

Portfolio diversification with crypto investments

Digital assets have proven to be a diversifier to a portfolio composed of traditional asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. An investment into digital assets can have a positive impact on portfolio returns, volatility and the portfolio Sharpe Ratio due to long-term correlation characteristics. Find out more about the impact of crypto allocations on different portfolio models on our research report here.

Tax free after one year holding period

DDA crypto ETPs are tax-free for German private investors after a one-year holding period.1

Chances & Risks


  • DDA ETPs provide exposure to digital assets via a traditional investment infrastructure through your bank or brokerage. Traditional investors are thereby able to conveniently participate in the price and yield performance of digital assets.
  • DDA ETPs are always 100% collateralized – they are always fully invested in the underlying such as Bitcoin or Ethereum or a basket of digital assets. German retail investors may enjoy a preferable tax treatment after a 12 months holding period[1]
  • DDA ETPs are among the most cost-effective crypto ETPs available.


  • Digital assets are a new technological innovation with a limited track-record. There is no assurance that usage of digital assets will continue to grow. A contraction in use of digital assets may result in increased volatility or a reduction in the price of such digital assets, which could adversely impact the value of the ETPs.
  • Digital assets are highly volatile and investors may not get their money back should a single digital asset cease to exist. Prices of digital asset may fluctuate due to changing investor confidence.
  • Governmental interventions in the digital assets markets are unpredictable, and may make digital assets or certain digital assets illegal altogether. Future regulations and directives in some jurisdictions may conflict with those others, and such regulatory actions may restrict or make some or all digital assets illegal in some jurisdictions.


Deutsche Digital Assets GmbH and its subsidiaries (collectively, “DDA”) and their licensors, research partners or data providers do not make any warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness, currentness, merchantability, quality or fitness for any particular purpose of its index data and exclude any liability in connection therewith. DDA and its licensors, research partners or data providers are not providing investment advice through the publication of indices or in connection therewith. In particular, the inclusion of a crypto asset in an index, its weighting, or the exclusion of a crypto asset from an index, does not in any way reflect an opinion of DDA, its licensors, research partners or data providers on the merits of that company. Financial instruments based on the indices are in no way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by DDA’s licensors, research partners or data providers.

1Income taxation for German investors: the notes should not qualify as other capital claims within the meaning of section 20 para. 1 no. 7 german income tax act (Einkommensteuergesetz, “EStG”) and the sale and redemption of the notes should, therefore, not lead to taxable investment income pursuant to section 20 EStG being subject to the flat tax regime (Abgeltungsteuer) (25% plus 5.5% solidarity surcharge and church taxes as the case may be) irrespective of any holding period. rather the provisions on private sales transactions (also known as “short-term capital gains”) pursuant to sections 22 no. 2, 23 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 2 sentence 1 EStG should apply which means that the acquisition and sale of notes by a private investor should only be taxable in germany if the period between acquisition and sale does not exceed one year (for the calculation of the one year period, the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction under the law of obligations is decisive in each case). If a private investor sells his notes more than one year after he has acquired them, such sale should not be subject to tax. moreover, the redemption of the notes should not constitute a sale under the private sales transaction rules. More information under this link.