DDA Crypto ETPs

Investors use Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) to easily access digital assets through a standardized financial product. DDA crypto ETPs enable investors to participate cost efficiently in the price development of a single digital asset or basket of digital assets from their personal bank accounts or preferred brokerage accounts. All products are always 100% collateralized by the respective underlying(s), stored in “cold storage” at regulated custodians. DDA crypto ETPs are traded on the most liquid European stock exchanges just like shares or ETFs.
Ticker | Name of the product | ISIN | CCY | TER | Inception date | AUM | Product Page |
SLCT | DDA Crypto Select 10 ETP | DE000A3G3ZD0 | USD | 1.69% | 22.05.2023 | 25.6M USD | PRODUCT PAGE |
XBTI | DDA Physical Bitcoin ETP | DE000A3GK2N1 | USD | 0.95% | 15.04.2021 | 20.3M USD | Product Page |
IETH | DDA Physical Ethereum ETP | DE000A3GTML1 | USD | 0.95% | 01.12.2021 | 3.0M USD | Product Page |
BMAC | DDA Bitcoin Macro ETP | DE000A3G9SE0 | USD | 2.00% | 18.06.2024 | 1.5M USD | PRODUCT PAGE |
HELI | DDA Heliad Dynamic Blockchain ETP | DE000A4AHWT9 | USD | 3.20% | 05.12.2024 | <0.1M USD | PRODUCT PAGE |