The management fee for the DDA Bitcoin Macro ETP is waived from 1 March 2025 for at least 6 months. For more information, please see 

  • Why now is the time to educate yourself on the blockchain and crypto-asset ecosystem before investing in cryptocurrencies

    There is a lot of misinformation in the public domain around cryptocurrencies. That, combined, with an, as yet, largely unregulated industry, makes financial institutions and savvy investors, a little nervous when investing into cryptocurrencies. Understandably so. Any prudent investor should understand and have an interest in the assets that form part of his or her…

  • Bitcoin’s Perfect Storm

    The perfect storm is brewing for Bitcoin.   A pandemic has struck in the form of COVID-19, grinding the global economy to a halt. Politicians are desperately scrambling to enact legislation to protect their constituents as corporate CEOs jockey for the position of being the first constituent in line for their bailout. Unprecedented payments are…

  • Disruptor Disrupted?

    Is cryptocurrency at risk of being co-opted by the very institutions it was created to displace? CryptoScout  by Eleanor Haas, Partner of Iconic Holding, Chief Concept Navigator at The Calyx Group, Advisor to Astia Angels, and Director, Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was launched in 2009 as a rebel with a cause —…

  • The Looming Financial Crisis And Bitcoin

      We are living in incredible times. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic over a new coronavirus which causes an illness known as COVID-19 which has spread to at least 170 countries and territories, killing more than 114,000 people and infecting more than 1,800,000, according to Worldometers. The world as we…

  • How to Assess the Value behind Cryptocurrencies

    Many of the investors and financial institutions I talk to are hesitant to invest in cryptocurrencies, often saying that they can’t determine their real value. For example, if we were looking to buy equity in a company, we could look at its fundamentals and make a prudent decision about whether to invest in it or…

  • Think Blockchain Technology is the Future? Here’s why you should also be investing in cryptocurrencies

    Most people can agree on the fact that technology innovation has accelerated in the last two decades. Technology makes all of our lives simpler and easier – we can get our food delivered, order a taxi to come to our door in minutes, hold meetings online, and access a wealth of information on any conceivable…

  • Beyond the Hype

    Crypto assets are showing increasing reason for long-term investors to have and to hold them, but what’s the best, and safest, way to do this?  CryptoScout  by Eleanor Haas, innovation navigator, Partner of Iconic Holding, Managing Director of The Calyx Group, Advisor to Astia Angels, and Director, Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic. Crypto assets had one of their best…

  • Just Another Retrospective on the Decade in Crypto

    One of the oldest tales in blockchain is comparing the last ten years to the early days of the internet. A young Bill Gates trying to convince late show host David Letterman why radio and television are simply not enough is a great example of forward-thinking innovation meeting target audience requirements. Was the ability to…

  • Passive Investment Strategies Are On the Rise

    In traditional finance, passive investing is becoming more and more relevant, since active funds often don’t generate enough alpha to make up for the higher fees attached to them. Most of the passively managed capital is invested through Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), which nowadays are not only tracking big indices like S&P or Nasdaq, but…

  • Captain Bitcoin End of Year Update

    Those of you were paying attention will know we were aiming for a December launch. As with all things blockchain, things are always harder than they seem. As our early adopting users , we always want to keep you in the loop, so we thought we’d give you an update. Next gen blockchain As we…