The management fee for the DDA Bitcoin Macro ETP is waived from 1 March 2025 for at least 6 months. For more information, please see 

  • Are Cryptocurrencies an Asset Class?

    Digital currencies and tokens have emerged as a popular new investment opportunity but can cryptocurrencies be classified as an asset class? Source: By Patrick Lowry, CEO of Iconic For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on the fundamentals of what makes crypto an emerging asset class and briefly discuss the various value…

  • Crypto Assets In A Portfolio Theory Context

    Portfolios can benefit from holding crypto assets as they provide exposure to high Shapre ratio assets plus portfolio diversification.  Read on to learn more about crypto assets in the context of Portfolio Theory. Monetary Policy and a Very Successful Investment Decade The past decade has been one of the most successful investment decades in history:…

  • How to Assess the Value behind Cryptocurrencies

    Many of the investors and financial institutions I talk to are hesitant to invest in cryptocurrencies, often saying that they can’t determine their real value. For example, if we were looking to buy equity in a company, we could look at its fundamentals and make a prudent decision about whether to invest in it or…

  • Think Blockchain Technology is the Future? Here’s why you should also be investing in cryptocurrencies

    Most people can agree on the fact that technology innovation has accelerated in the last two decades. Technology makes all of our lives simpler and easier – we can get our food delivered, order a taxi to come to our door in minutes, hold meetings online, and access a wealth of information on any conceivable…

  • Just Another Retrospective on the Decade in Crypto

    One of the oldest tales in blockchain is comparing the last ten years to the early days of the internet. A young Bill Gates trying to convince late show host David Letterman why radio and television are simply not enough is a great example of forward-thinking innovation meeting target audience requirements. Was the ability to…

  • Unbloqed Season 2: #1 What Do Blockchain Investors Look For? The VC Take!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In this episode with Dominic Briggs and Laurenz Apiarius, we discuss the VC perspective on what Blockchain investors look for when investing in startups. We deep dive into the issue of blockchain being treated as trend or a buzzword for fundraising and how VCs asses the need of blockchain for different startups. We talk about…

  • Pointing Blockchain Towards Tomorrow

    By Eleanor Haas, an Iconic Holding Associate, crypto/blockchain commentator, advisor to innovators and Astia Angels, and Director, Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic When cryptocurrency crashed, ICO’s largely disappeared and the early stage crypto/blockchain market appeared penniless, a lot of people assumed the blockchain story was over. But, guess what, the main story had been burgeoning under the…

  • Unbloqed #13 Tobias Schulz – Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds

    Tobias Schulz is an Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds. He is also a pre-ICO Venture Capital Investor and ICO Advisor. High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) is a seed investor that finances high-potential, tech-driven start-ups. With EUR 892.5 million in total investment volume across three funds and an international network of partners, HTGF has already helped forge 500 start-ups…