The management fee for the DDA Bitcoin Macro ETP is waived from 1 March 2025 for at least 6 months. For more information, please see 

  • Iconic Insider – November 2020

    By Patrick Lowry, CEO, Iconic Holding Between the time I draft this month’s Iconic Insider (Wednesday the 25th) and this issue date, Bitcoin may have hit a new all-time high! How exciting is that? The crypto industry hasn’t been this exciting since late 2017. The hype, the intrigue, the promise of a decentralized financial future feels eerily…

  • 50 Bitcoin Facts

    Over the last month or so there has been a surge of interest around Bitcoin and various other cryptocurrencies. I do not believe this is due to any single, specific reason, but it could be because many believe the perfect storm for Bitcoin is brewing in 2020. You can learn more about that on our…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Investing

      The most frequently asked question I get from people with a new interest in crypto and blockchain technology is how to get investment exposure to the asset class. In this article, I’m going to tell you what options are out there, what, from my view, the respective pros and cons of each are, and,…

  • Bitcoin’s Perfect Storm

    The perfect storm is brewing for Bitcoin.   A pandemic has struck in the form of COVID-19, grinding the global economy to a halt. Politicians are desperately scrambling to enact legislation to protect their constituents as corporate CEOs jockey for the position of being the first constituent in line for their bailout. Unprecedented payments are…

  • How to Assess the Value behind Cryptocurrencies

    Many of the investors and financial institutions I talk to are hesitant to invest in cryptocurrencies, often saying that they can’t determine their real value. For example, if we were looking to buy equity in a company, we could look at its fundamentals and make a prudent decision about whether to invest in it or…

  • Is Bitcoin green or black?

    Bitcoin is known for its massive energy consumption. According to the University of Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, the Bitcoin network is currently consuming more energy than Austria. While the accuracy of this estimate is questionable, the carbon footprint remains one of the main points of criticism for Bitcoin opponents. The bear market has not…

  • Iconic Lab Invests in Captain Bitcoin

    Iconic Lab has invested into and seeded the crypto adoption platform, Captain Bitcoin. After generating substantial interest from the community and onboarding over 30,000 verified users in the first 30 days of its website existence, Captain Bitcoin is ready to finalize its MVP and put Bitcoin into the hands of its users by giving away…

  • Why Blockchain Matters 3 – Token Design, Role, Distribution, Governance & Value Management

    By Eleanor Haas, an Iconiq Lab partner, advises crypto and life science innovators and Astia Angels and is Director, Keiretsu Forum Mid-Atlantic Photo by Nikhita Singhal on Unsplash No value created through the use of blockchain technology is greater than allowing a business to control its own business model by powering and incentivizing a community through the use of…

  • Why Blockchain Matters  2— Crypto For Currencies, Exchange, Store Of Value & Fundraising

    By Eleanor Haas, an Iconiq Lab partner, advises crypto and life science innovators and Astia Angels and co-leads Keiretsu Forum New York We live in a time of emerging transformation. Blockchain technology is enabling both a new kind of social infrastructure, as described in Part I of this blog — characterized by one-to-one economic trust,…

  • Why Blockchain Matters 1 — Basis For Economic Trust, Decentralizing Connections & Energizing Collaboration

    By Eleanor Haas, an Iconiq Lab partner, advises crypto and life science innovators and Astia Angels and co-leads Keiretsu Forum New York It’s early days for blockchain — or crypto as the broader trend is called — but we can already see it changing how the world works. No, it’s not because of Bitcoin. That’s…